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Friends of the Earth urges end to 'land grab' for biofuels

"Charity predicts more food shortages in Africa because of EU target to produce 10% of all transport fuels from biofuels by 2020"


Not carbon offsets, but carbon upsets

"Cap-and-trade has had the perverse effect of subsidising politically dominant industries. We should try something else"

Category: Climate Change


Government to water down 2016 'zero carbon' target for new homes

"One of the UK's most radical environmental policies – requiring all new homes from 2016 to be "zero carbon" – is set to be scaled back amid pressure from the housebuilding industry."

Category: Climate Change


Kepler spies Saturn-sized worlds

"The US space agency's Kepler planet-hunter has spied a star that has two Saturn-sized objects circling it."

Category: Space


UK's nuclear reactor programme falls behind schedule

Issues - Safety, Suitability to fill the energy gap between old power stations closing and new ones opening. "The schedule for the UK's nuclear reactor building programme has slipped behind already, the safety regulator has...

Displaying results 581 to 585 out of 2977